to PACARC Palestine/Anderson County Amateur Radio Club |
County Amateur Radio Club – K5PAL www.pacarc.org
P.O. Box 1376, Palestine, TX 75802
K5PAL@arrl.net MEETING
MINUTES . . The regular monthly meeting of the PALESTINE/ANDERSON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB - K5PAL was called to order at 7:00pm Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, by President, Charlie McReynolds, W5IAK. This was not a dinner meeting. Ronny Jenkins, KI5WXD, led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were seven (7) members and six (6) guest(s), for a total of thirteen (13) persons present.
The Minutes and Treasurers Reports were posted from the last monthly meeting. The current Treasury Balance is $4015.84
There were no applications for membership.
NET CONTROL: November 4th Ken Vickery, KI5JRY November 11th Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD November 18th Charles McReynolds, W5IAK November 25th Louie Downey, AI4SW
Monthly Speakers: Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, spoke on the FT8 Grid Tracker application and did a live presentation. Activity Reports: Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, is working the nets and is continuing with FT8. Paul Parrish, KJ5HSS, is beginning to figure out ham radio. Don Gardner, KC7JDC, is studying the Skywarn program and is looking for an appropriate HF antenna for a small sized lot. Ronny Jenkins, KE5WXC, is working the local nets as much as possible. Tim Hasselbach, KJ5HZJ, a new Tech is working on his General license. Tommy Sprinkle, N5NTS, is a new ham and is figuring things out. Billy Bryant, KJ5HLQ, has been making contacts on 20m, 40m, and some 160m along with lots of contacts on 10m. Neal Womble, N5ZED, has been doing a lot of FT8 COMMITTEE REPORTS
Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD, reported that hurricane Helen has
severely damaged the infrastructure in north VE: Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD reported no VE sessions this month
BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Charlie McReynolds, W5IAK, reported that
the grass was mowed last Thursday before the club meeting. The roof
replacement was discussed and shingles are available from Adams Surplus
FIELD DAY: Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, reported that Winter Field Day planning is getting under way and locations for the event, the last weekend in January are being considered. If you have ideas about locations and other WFD considerations, please contact Ken. Since this event does not have points for being in a public place, our options for a location are less limited. TUESDAY PROJECT NIGHT: Project Night meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. There were no meetings this month. Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD, spoke about possible building projects for project night including antennas, baluns, ununs, and much more. Anyone with requests for a particular project should make it known and perhaps we can do a group buy and build.
OLD BUSINESS: Picnic-In-The-Park,
(PITP), was held August 29th, with Charlie, Ken and Jeff
attending the lunch and board meeting following. The weather was very
pleasant and it looks like we have turned the corner on good weather for
PITP. The next PITP will be October 27th, and will be either
The annual PACARC Christmas dinner will be at King Buffet on
December the 7th at 7pm. We will have the back room for
privacy and there will be door prizes along with our annual awards. We
will vote on the Ham of the Year and the Elmer of the Year at the
November club meeting. There is a 10 week General license class
happening at the ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Belton Fall HamExpo will be October 4-5, 2024.
Club patches are available at $3.00 each.
The next Meeting will be on November 5th, and this will be a dinner meeting. Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, made a motion to adjourn and Ronny Jenkins, KI5WXC, seconded it.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD Secretary/Treasurer 2023-2024 PACARC 10/4/2024
Copyright © 2008-2024 Jeff Montgomery. All Rights Reserved. |