to PACARC Palestine/Anderson County Amateur Radio Club |
County Amateur Radio Club – K5PAL www.pacarc.org
P.O. Box 1376, Palestine, TX 75802
K5PAL@arrl.net MEETING
MINUTES . . The regular monthly meeting of the PALESTINE/ANDERSON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB - K5PAL was called to order at 7:00pm Tuesday, January 7th 2025, by President, Charlie McReynolds, W5IAK. This was a dinner meeting. Don Gardner, KC7JDC, led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were twelve (12) members and one (3) guest(s), for a total of fifteen (15) persons present.
The Minutes and Treasurers Reports were posted from the last monthly meeting. The current Treasury Balance is $2931.25
There were no application(s) for membership.
NET CONTROL: February 3rd Ken Vickery, KI5JRY February 10th Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD February 17th Charles McReynolds, W5IAK February 24th Louie Downey, AI4SW
Monthly Speakers: Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, presented a demonstration of his new portable antenna he won. Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD, showed his construction of a 10 meter vertical j-pole constructed of 450 ohm ladder line. Activity Reports: Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, reported that he was finishing up college and would have more radio time in the future. Elvin Espinoza, AG6C, reported on the closing of Pappa Murphy’s on New Year’s and is working on Meshtastic solar nodes and gave an explanation of how they work. Louie Downey, AI4SW, is working HF and some Contests. Don Gardner, KC7JDC, is studying for his Extra Class License. Neal Womble, N5ZED, is working FT4 and FT8 and has made over 200 contacts on FT8. Kenny Burrow, NK5L, bought a Zumspot to learn DStar and is doing some ham 3-D printing. Tim Haselbach, K9ZZK, passed his Extra Class and bought a DX10 radio and is enjoying DXing. Paul Parrish, KJ5HSS, has obtained a 10 meter radio and is learning its features. COMMITTEE REPORTS
ARES: Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD, reported that with the bad weather coming up we need to monitor our radios and keep them charged and in good working condition. VE: Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD reported no VE sessions this month BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Charlie McReynolds, W5IAK, reported mowing has stopped for the season and the clubhouse is in good condition.
FIELD DAY: Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, reported that Winter Field Day coordination with Rick Dees, club member and Pastor of Westwood Baptist church, has been made to use the church back lot for WFD, and we are good to go. The event will be the last weekend in January, 2025. TUESDAY PROJECT NIGHT: Project Night meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. No meetings this month.
OLD BUSINESS: Picnic-In-The-Park,
(PITP), was not held December 29th, but the board meeting was
held at Whataburger with Charlie, Ken and Jeff attending. The next PITP
will be January 26th, and will be either at NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cowtown Hamfest January 17-18 at the Forrest Hill Civic and Convention Center Irving Hamfest March 1st
Club patches are available at $3.00 each.
The next Meeting will be on February 4th, and this will not be a dinner meeting. Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, made a motion to adjourn and Louie Downey, AI4SW, seconded it.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD Secretary/Treasurer 2024-2025 PACARC 01/10/2025
Copyright © 2008-2025 Jeff Montgomery. All Rights Reserved. |