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Palestine/Anderson County Amateur Radio Club











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Palestine/Anderson County Amateur Radio Club – K5PAL

www.pacarc.org               P.O. Box 1376, Palestine, TX 75802              K5PAL@arrl.net








The regular monthly meeting of the PALESTINE/ANDERSON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB - K5PAL was called to order at 7:00pm Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, by President, Charlie McReynolds, W5IAK.  This was a dinner meeting. Pre Ball, N3PRE, led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were six (6) members and no (0) guest(s), for a total of six (6) persons present.


The Minutes and Treasurers Reports were posted from the last monthly meeting. The current Treasury Balance is $4019.13                                                                  


There were no applications for membership.





NET CONTROL:                

                                August 5th              Jeff Montgomery WB4WXD

                                August 12th            Charles McReynolds, W5IAK

                                August 19th                Ken Vickery, KI5JRY

                                August 26th            Louie Downey, AI4SW






Monthly Speakers: Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, gave an excellent presentation of the NanoVNA Saver program which enhances and eases the use of the NanoVNA.


Activity Reports:

                None this month.





                 ARES:  Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD, indicated that there were no defined local ARES activities this month; however he reported that Field Day was an excellent ARES practice for emergencies. He also pointed out the dangers of heat issues when responding to an emergency with radio operations.


                VE:  Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD reported VE Sessions can be set up for needed new licenses or upgrades by notifying the VE team. The ARRL has not sent us our new Extra test papers as they are running behind, but assured me that they could make one available for any test session we have before the arrival of the stocking test papers.


                BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Charlie McReynolds, W5IAK, reported that the grass was mowed Saturday before the club meeting. The roof replacement was discussed and shingles are available from Adams Surplus in Athens for $60 a square and we will need 10 squares. Since we are in the middle of the hot season and a lot of rain is not expected for a while, we will purchase and install the roof when the weather gets cooler.


                FIELD DAY: ARRL summer field day was the 22nd and 23rd of June this year. The event was at the Davey Dogwood Park on Manley Mountain at the first picnic area. The event started at 1pm and continued until around dusk. Chris Claytor, K5OOL notified the news media and we were able to get an article in the paper. Two guests came by, one is working on his Technician license and the other is a long time ham who has moved into the area. Both were invited to the club meeting. Charlie reported on the contacts made and gave a summary of the event, as Chris Claytor was unable to attend the meeting.


                TUESDAY PROJECT NIGHT:  Project Night meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.  There were no meetings this month. Suggested activities are kit and antenna building. There was some good discussion about projects we can do for Project Night and it is hoped that sessions will begin soon.


                OLD BUSINESS:  Picnic-In-The-Park, (PITP), was held June 30th, and was combined with the July board meeting at Whataburger. Charles McReynolds, Ken Vickery, Jeff Montgomery and Pre Ball attended. The next PITP will be July 28th and will be either at Dogwood Park or Whataburger. The Palestine City Fireworks display will be on July 3rd, and discussion was held on opening the club for members on the 3rd to stay cool and have a place to watch the fireworks conveniently. As there was not interest to open the club from the members attending the meeting, it was decided not to do so.


NEW BUSINESS: Dues are now past due and anyone desiring 2024-2025 membership is encouraged to remit them. Annual club remain $25 per person per the board. The annual Neches River Canoe Scholarship race will be the first Saturday of August which is the 3rd. Help is needed at the start, the finish, Cuney Bridge and Carey Lake locations. If you can help, please do so and let any of the board members know of your interest. The annual IRS report for our tax exempt status was submitted and accepted by web site. We do this every year after our fiscal year ends on June 30th.



Radio Fiesta will be at the Schertz Civic Center July 19 and 20th.


Club patches are available at $3.00 each.


The next Meeting will be on August 2nd, and will not be a dinner meeting.  Louie Downey, AI4SW, made a motion to adjourn and Ken Vickery, KI5JRY, seconded it.


Meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm.



Jeff Montgomery, WB4WXD

Secretary/Treasurer 2023-2024       




Copyright © 2008-2024  Jeff Montgomery. All Rights Reserved.
This site is designed and maintained by
Jeff Montgomery - WB4WXD